Capricorn New Moon

The first new moon of 2022 is exact January 2nd at 1:33pm EST, when the sun and moon meet at 12 degrees of Capricorn. During this lunation, we are still under the influence of the longer-term transits that have been taking place. Venus and Pluto are only 3 degrees apart from one another, while Saturn and Uranus are only 2 degrees away from an exact square.

With the undertone of Venus conjunct Pluto, we may be experiencing power struggles that force us to stand stronger in our authority. The interaction between Venus and Pluto might have us reviewing and eliminating any unequal energy exchanges we have in our lives. Our values are being tested as they are up for review during Venus’s retrograde.

The square between Saturn and Uranus will have us so uncomfortable in our current circumstances and trying to figure out what we can do to bring lasting change. With Uranus involved, the universe may intervene, unexpectedly pushing us outside of our comfort zones in order to experience expansion. The energy Uranus brings is omnipresent, like electricity, though without the structure of Saturn (the ruler of Capricorn), the energy may be ungrounded and without direction. Are there any new structures, foundations or practiceds that you can put into place in your own life that will encourage a positive flow of your energy?

Mercury and Jupiter have recently made their ingress into new signs so they are both at 0 degrees for this new moon. On the 29th of December, Jupiter will once again return into Pisces until May 10th, after returning from its retrograde journey back in to Aquarius. We had a little preview of what Jupiter in Pisces may mean for us when Jupiter was in Pisces for a brief period from May 13th - July 28th, 2021. You can refer back to that time of your life to get an understanding of what Jupiter’s journey through Pisces will mean for you. Jupiter does very well traveling through Pisces, so this may bring a much needed and refreshing energy as we are coming down from the challenging transits from 2021.

As of December 29th, Mercury will have entered its pre-shadow at 24 degrees of Capricorn. Mercury will continue to travel through Aquarius until it reaches 10 degrees January 14th, and it will travel back to the end degrees of Capricorn until stationing direct February 23rd. Around the time of this new moon, we may be getting a glimpse into what themes this Mercury retrograde will be bringing for us.

Saturn is the Ruler of this new moon, and Saturn also rules both of the signs Mercury will travel through during its retrograde, creating a seriousness with Mercury’s retrograde. We are really being asked to take responsibility for ourselves and where we are in our life. Once we pinpoint what it is we want to change in our lives, through discipline and consistency, we are able to ground these thoughts and ideas into reality.

We can look to the Sabian Symbols to get a deeper understanding of the theme or energy of each degree in the chart. The Sabian Symbol for 12 degrees of Capricorn—

“An illustrated lecture on natural science reveals little known aspects of life. The ability to explore unfamiliar realms and discover the laws underlying the complex processes of nature. It is man’s essential function to become fully conscious of all lifeforms and processes on earth. Man is the conscious mind of the planet.”

The only true limitations we face are those we place upon ourselves. Capricorn is all about manifesting and doing so in a practical, grounded way. During this new moon, Saturn and Mercury will be assisting us in exploring our desires and interests so that we can take practical action towards them and Jupiter will be blessing us with a little extra magic. What are you looking to manifest in your life? Reverse engineer your ideal life and map up practical ways that you are able to work towards attaining it. Be sure to take inspired action whenever you feel pulled because these are the stepping stones that will lead you to the life you want to live.


Jupiter’s Journey through Pisces


Venus Retrograde and Her Descent into the Underworld