Jupiter’s Journey through Pisces

This is one of the bigger transits of 2022 and we’ve already had a glimpse of what this may bring for us personally and collectively. Jupiter first entered Pisces May 13 - July 28th 2021 and stationed retrograde back into Aquarius with Saturn. This time around while Jupiter is in Pisces, we will see even more of a Neptunian influence.

December 28th, Jupiter returned to Pisces where it will stay with Neptune until May 10th 202. Their conjunction is exact April 12th. Because Neptune is a very slow moving planet, the last time we saw Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces was in 1856.

Jupiter will return to Pisces from Aries October 28th - December 20th 2022.

Neptune, the God of the Sea has been slowly transiting through its home sign of Pisces since 2011, where it will stay until 2026. This planet represents spirituality, intuition, dreams, compassion, confusion and illusion. Because Jupiter acts like a quartz crystal, amplifying everything it interacts with, we will see a large focus on these themes during this Pisces transit.

Jupiter, the largest planet of our solar system, brings growth, expansion, optimism and abundance. For about the last two years, Jupiter was traveling through the Saturn ruled signs of Capricorn and Aquarius. This is an energy that can feel limiting and restrictive. Jupiter feels more free as it travels through the sign of Pisces and can create a dreamy atmosphere, especially with Neptune.

Pisces represents the collective so with Jupiter traveling through this sign, the world can really seem like a small place— We notice how much one part of the world can have a profound affect towards the other side of the world. We notice how connected to each other we really are. When Jupiter is in Pisces, we can attract luck and abundance by being compassionate or giving to others. We may also be more focused on our emotions, which can be a powerful tool for our manifestations. This is also a great time for allowing trapped emotions to move through us and be released, allowing stagnancy to melt away.

We may experience heightened intuition along with spirituality being a larger focus in our lives. This is a time where we can experience a natural flow of creativity. It’s a great time to stay consistent with a dream journal in order to tap into the subconscious mind— To understand our deepest desires, why we do the things we do, what inspires us, or what keeps us blinded by illusion.

The lower expression of this transit may be escapism or deception. We may at times find others lying to us or even believing the lies we tell ourselves. The pharmaceutical industry or substance abuse my be a heightened or perhaps extremist ideologies. There may also be flooding or extreme weather situations involving water.

Maintaining our mental health will be extremely important this year with this transit. We must stay strong in our sense of self and values so we don’t get lost in the sauce. It may at times feel hard to know the difference between our waking life and our dream state. Though when we are grounded and lucid, truly tapped into the moment, this is something we can use to our advantage as we are working towards our manifestations.


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