Virgo Full Moon & Saturn Enters Pisces— Clear Space for Your New Reality

March 7th 7:39am EST—The Virgo Full Moon is taking place within the deeply healing, cleansing and mutable Virgo-Pisces axis. This is an opportunity to free oneself of repressed memories, fears, emotions and energy to create space for fresh new beginnings. Virgo is represented by the virgin. The original definition of virgin was a sovereign being, someone who follows their own moral compass, free from the distortion of society. Living in accordance to the natural cycles of nature, including the rhythms of the body.

At the time of this full moon, Saturn is at the final minute of the final degree of Aquarius, finalizing a 3 year transit through Aquarius and a 6 year transit through the Saturn ruled signs of both Capricorn and Aquarius. Karma is clearing, boundaries and limitations are dissolving, dreams and reality are merging.

Mercury, the messenger of the gods, the ruler of this full moon is at its fall and detriment in Pisces so the logical mind may not be strong. This is a time to surrender and trust the intuition. Allow messages from the subconscious mind to flow through. Pay attention to dreams, envision, and create. The subconscious mind communicates through symbols, so remain present and grounded to truly see. As Saturn transits through Pisces over the next few years, we will notice the barrier that usually separates the subconscious mind from conscious mind is dissipating. If at times, during Saturn’s transit through Pisces, you feel as though you are unable to see clearly, or feel uncertain of what is real and what is an illusion, you can use Virgo’s gift of discernment to navigate through the fog.

This full moon is forming a wide t-square with Mars in Gemini. The moon will move into an exact square with Mars later in the day, and the Sun will be exactly square Mars next week. Tension is building and change is coming… Contents from the subconscious mind may irrupt over the coming days… A dramatic release of energy that has been contained by the shell of the ego. As Saturn flows into Pisces, with the combination of the upcoming square between the Sun, Neptune and Mercury in Pisces with Mars in Gemini on the 15th and 16th… Dams will burst, both metaphorically and perhaps structurally. Trust that any figurative explosions that may happen over the next couple weeks, will be a deeply purifying force of nature.

Leading up to the full moon, the Sun is forming an activating sextile with Uranus in Taurus, and the Moon is forming a harmonious trine with Uranus. Lean into these aspects to welcome new experiences or people into your life. Shake up your energy and try something new. Ground and stabilize this influx of energy into your creations. Create or experience something new and unexpected.

Be aware of the potential desire for escapism through distractions, substances or addictions. Instead of escaping, lean into an alternate direction. Channel your energy into something beautiful. Many of us are feeling more sensitive to the collective consciousness at this time— If you feel as through you are drowning in these energies, anchor yourself into your body. Focus on your breath, your physical senses, and connect to the natural world. Be aware of your inner boundaries and work towards developing them— This will help as Saturn transits through Pisces.

Hydrate, fill your body with pure and vibrant foods and surrender to this cosmic clearing. Allow this Virgo Full Moon to assist you in releasing all that you no longer need to carry with you as you navigate your journey. Surrender to the healing of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. Soon after this full moon subsides, it’ll only be a matter of time before we realize we are suddenly immersed in a completely new reality. Surrender to the flow, trust in your transformation and believe in the limitless possibilities.


Creating from the Zero Point with Saturn In Pisces


Dream A New Dream — Messages from Mars, Neptune & Uranus