Mental Health, Creativity & Spirituality in 2022

Mental health has been already been a large focus over recent years, and as Jupiter travels through Pisces, we will see this continue to increase. Jupiter amplifies everything it interacts with so this will be highlighting themes of Pisces, Neptune and the 12th house.

Neptune, ruler of Pisces is known as the higher octave of Venus, bringing beauty to a higher, more spiritual level. It rules over dreams, inspiration, fantasy and the subconscious mind. Neptune is deeply sensitive, heightening compassion and intuition. This is a planet of limitless expression and creativity, ruling over visual arts like film, photography, painting, dance, poetry and music.

In many ways, Neptune transfers us from one reality into another, also ruling over pharmaceuticals, drugs, alcohol and addictions. Neptune is everything that the mundane world is not, which can lead to escapism tendencies. Deep down the soul craves to break free from the limitations of this human experience.

In a lower expression, the otherworldly and dreamy realms that Neptune governs can feel nightmarish. What once appeared as bliss can transform into a mirage right before our eyes. This blur between realms or illusion can lead to clouded judgement, making someone question their existence and what is actually real.

The 12th house is known as the house of secrets, ruling the hidden world and the unconscious. Reaching into the depths of the psyche, repressed memories or emotions can rise to the surface during this transit. This is the territory of our deepest fears and desires.

What was once concealed may be revealed like illegal activities or classified information. Hidden motives or deception will be brought to light.

During this time, there may be more confusion than usual, mental health issues will rise and people may find themselves lost in states of psychosis and paranoia. What happens when we realize we were deceived by those we trust most? What will we believe then?

This is a time when our outside circumstances may lead to testing and trying times. So what can we do to get through these times while thriving? How can we make the most out of this transit?

This transit has the potential to take us deep into the haunted house of our minds, where everything is working against us. But this transit also has the potential to assist in creating a life we could only dream of, filled with creativity, deep spiritual beauty, compassion, inspiration and imagination. This is a great time to tap into spirituality, deepen your meditation practice and create from the heart.

Whenever you may feel yourself drifting into the haunted house of your mind, allow your heart to guide you as you create something truly beautiful.


Major Transits in 2022


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