Jupiter Conjunct Chiron in Aries

We have an opportunity to understand our core wounds more deeply, as well as what may be preventing us from shining our light more fully.

Jupiter catches up with Chiron, forming a conjunction at 14 degrees, in the Leo decan of Aries, with Vesta nearby at 13 degrees. We have already been under the influence of this transit for a couple weeks while they have been within a close orb and it will linger for a couple weeks after this transit is exact as well. The next time Jupiter and Chiron form a conjunction will be in 2037 so this is a fairly uncommon celestial event and the beginning of their new cycle. Together, they will move to 15 degrees until Jupiter pulls away March 14th.

As we take action towards where our heart is guiding us and create from the heart, we can free ourselves from the pain of our past. With Vesta’s influence in this conjunction, we can uncover our soul’s sacred gifts that we’ve carried for lifetimes and lifetimes of healing can take place.

Are you dimming your light to make others feel comfortable? In what ways might you be holding yourself back? Is there something that prevents you from fully expressing yourself?

This will be a process that unravels throughout this new Jupiter-Chiron cycle but it is being activated now. Do not allow your fears to hold you back from living your soul’s unique, divine blueprint. A life not lived, one that is left unfulfilled, is far worse than taking a chance that you may fear… Perhaps it triggers insecurities, fear of inadequacy, or even a fear of being seen. Our greatest challenges in life can guide us towards our greatest wounds and as we overcome our challenges, transmute our pain into power, we can experience freedom and expansion within our lives. Look to where 14-15 degrees of Aries is within your chart to understand what area of your life great healing is taking place. Self forgiveness is the medicine.

As Carl Jung stated, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Pay attention to triggering situations over the next week during this conjunction to understand where you need healing. As this is happening in the Mars ruled sign of Aries, triggers that may arise could be abrupt or sudden. The body could even experience heat, headaches, fever or inflammation. Mars in Gemini may make it easier to distract from the pain so be present to fully integrate the experience. And while the square between Mars and Neptune increases, it could also be easier to self soothe triggering situations through escapism or addictions. Stay grounded, centered and present in yourself to truly integrate this energy through action, exercise, creation or expression.

While we are under the influence of the Mars Neptune square and as it’s intensity increases, be aware of manipulation, deception and escapism. All is not as it seems and smoke and mirrors situations are amidst our reality at this time, whether it is from the media or the world stage, or perhaps within our own lives in some way. Keep an eye on 25 degrees of Pisces and Gemini within your chart to understand how this transit may be playing out in your life, as well as any lessons that can be learned. This transit could have us feeling drained or confused… Or perhaps our fears and imagination could have us spiral into black holes in our minds. If it feels as through your imagination is running wild, bring your focus back into your body, move the energy out of your body and speak out loud or journal whatever is on your mind. We can utilize this transit by harnessing and expressing creativity from our subconscious.

This is the third and final of three squares between Mars and Neptune, with the first two happening in October and November of 2022. Situations may arise in our personal lives where we can apply what we learned from the previous two squares. We are finally nearing the end of Mars’ long transit through Gemini. Reflect back to August 2022 to understand the message of this transit in your life. Reflect on how you have overcome challenges, evolved, and how you can apply the lessons that you have learned moving forward.

Mercury in Pisces is within 2 degrees of an exact sextile with Uranus in Taurus. This is an energy that is activating, awakening and inspiring. Stay open to creative solutions through technology or communications. Step out of your comfort zone and shake up your routine to welcome unexpected situations that can bring more efficiency or innovation into your life. This is an energy of releasing expectations and going with the flow.

The Moon in Libra opposes Venus, Eris and Juno in Aries. This could create the need to focus on creating integration within relationships, balancing giving and receiving, yin and yang. The Moon also creates a harmonious air trine with Mars, while forming a quincunx with Neptune. There could be a desire to communicate, yet the message may be lost in translation. Actions will speak more clearly than words. The Moon then moves into a Square with Pluto at the critical degree of Capricorn. Surrender as repressed emotions may rise to the surface.

With Pluto at the 29th degree of Capricorn for nearly a month before it enters Aquarius on the 23rd of March, we are having to face a lot of harsh truths in our lives and the world around us. We are processing information that has been deep within our psyche since 2008 or even beyond.

Once the Moon enters Scorpio, it forms a water trine with Saturn at zero degrees of Pisces. Lean into the power of water to clear or activate energy. For more information on that see my recent video or post about Saturn at zero degrees of Pisces and water consciousness. I will link that video below.

We are living through a phase of great intensity within the collective. In each passing moment, we have the ability to choose how we perceive our life and the world around us. In every moment, we have the ability to choose between fear or love. Stay focused on your passions, follow your heart and trust your intuition.


Neptune, Mercury & The Sun in Pisces Square Neptune in Gemini— PUrification


Saturn At Zero Degrees of Pisces & Water Consciousness