Full Moon in Cancer

The Full Moon in Cancer is happening in its home sign at 27 degrees of Cancer January 17th, while the sun is at 27 degrees of Capricorn at 6:46pm EST. While the moon is in cancer, we may feel more emotional or in need of nurturing ourselves or others, and there is also an emphasis of the home. We may find that suppressed feelings rise to the surface and because of the way this full moon is interacting with Pluto, this will likely be heightened.

This full moon is getting activated by Pluto, which is conjunct the sun and opposing the moon. Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth and transformation. Anytime Pluto is involved in a major transit, you can be assured that permanent changes are taking place. There is a deep purge happening individually and collectively as toxins are being pushed out from our body, home or even life in general.

It’s really important during this time to surrender to the great purge that is happening, perhaps even deep beneath the surface on a subconscious level. There is a build up of stagnant energy that needs to be transmuted and released. This release may be long overdue and that is exactly what this full moon is assisting us with.

Anything that supports the release of old energy will be beneficial around the time of this full moon. Now is a great time for deep cleaning or healing modalities that assist with the flow of energy in the body like massage, cupping, yoga or acupuncture. Allowing yourself to surrender to the state of flow through writing, painting, dancing or anything creative will assist in transmuting trapped emotions.

Emotions are energy in motion, however when we hold onto pain instead of allowing it to move through the body, we may experience moodiness, sluggishness and ultimately dis-ease. Through transmutation, we are able to alchemize stored pain into power and that is exactly what many of us are being called to do.

During this full moon, Mercury in Aquarius is still in a square with Uranus in Taurus. This adds a dynamic of surprise that may initiate awakenings, sudden developments or new information. Only 1 day after this full moon, Uranus will be stationing direct since being retrograde August 2021. This change in direction will present itself as a change of fate in some area of our lives.

To understand how this full moon will impact you, see what houses Cancer and Capricorn reside in within your chart. Look to the secondary energies of Aquarius and Taurus to understand what area of your life you may be experiencing changes or new information.


Sun Conjunct Pluto


Venus Star Point in Capricorn January 8th