Exploring the Unknown with Pisces Season

February 24– The Sun in Pisces trines the South Node in Scorpio, forming a yod with the North Node and Moon in Taurus, with Ceres in Libra at the Apex— While Venus in Aries opposes Ceres, and forms a quincunx with the South Node, all at 5 degrees.

There are opportunities for big activations towards future goals and desires, with synchronicities sprinkled all around— But these shifts require taking chances, mixing things up and surrendering into the unknown.

There is an abundance of magic and beauty surrounding us, as the Sun travels through Pisces. With the trine to the South Node in Scorpio, this could mean acknowledging the beauty that lies within everything— Even within the darkness. With Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, pressure is building. Remember that within pressure and the darkness beneath the soil, diamonds are created. Before we discover our greatest gifts and abilities, they lie hidden within our shadows and the mystery of the unknown.

Emotions can be a powerful catalyst for forward momentum. We can channel this energy into our creative expression and materialize something tangible that emanates true beauty and depth.

What do you need to feel safe and secure so that you can create from your heart? What fears can you overcome to materialize your dreams? Only within the darkness, can the stars glisten in the sky.

As we explore the depth and mysteries of ourselves and the universe, we can heal lifetimes of pain and karma, channeling this energy into our creations, sharing our light with the world around us— Our True Expression.


Mercury Activations 2/26-3/2


Surrender to the Flow this Pisces Season